Wednesday 2 November 2011

Day 63 - Hoi An

Seb & Nicci are still sleeping, so went for breakfast solo. Very friendly Vi café.


Had fantastic fun last night. Met once more with the Easy Ride group we had seen several times, and I arranged with one of the Norwegians to meet them for drinks. About twenty minutes before eight, none of the three of us were feeling up to it, but dragged myself and the others out. Some dinner, though our groups were separate still - two different games of cards. Ralf, one of the Germans, left the, and we started one big game of Asshole. Gro-Iren and Beathe (Maureen) are the sisters from Norway, and Tim is the other German. Beath wants to be a prison guard, which is unusual (to me), but she sees it as just another career. GI is a bartender, but trained to be a social worker. They're heading to RSA in two weeks, then on to South America.

After cards we realised almost everywhere had shut, at 10.30pm. One bar - the Sun bar - was still open, so we adjourned there for some pool. Many drinks later, we were playing killer pool with Joe from Mayo, and Ausra, his Lithuanian girlfriend. The bar plied us with drinks (much appreciated shots of rum), and we were soon challenged to some doubles. Nicci & Maureen nearly beat a local father-son team, but potted the white with the black. Stumbled home, where Nicci was not well.



Woke up around 10am, found the others around 12pm for a late breakfast. Went to Yaly's to take a look at suits, ended up buying two. Lots of choosing of fabrics, colours, etc., then measuring. Hope they look good tomorrow!



Little wander around the old town then - lovely atmosphere, like a seaside village. Lots of cyclo-taxis - makes the passengers look like they're in a giant buggy, so that they're big babies. Just lazy really.



Cards by candlelight

Lanterns for sale in the market

Quick swim at the hotel, dinner and quiet beers. Got three tapestries for M&D. Beautiful art. My haggling has improved too. One was 200,000VND, I offered to pay 500,00 for three, and she demanded 400,000! Win!


Writing Mammy's name on the tapestry

Lots of computer use - boring myself!

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