Saturday 3 September 2011

Day 3 - St Petersburg, Russia

Got a mini-bus from the airport - I got out when I saw the river. Quite lucky really, it was only a small river, but it was the right one. Hostel is a friendly & welcoming place, very like the Chilton in Belgrade. Had some shasliki for dinner. So odd to see people smoking in restaurants. Got an early night, but chatted with some Costa Ricans and a Russian girl before sleeping.

Up late, and with no watch, had no idea how late! Only 10am. Cheese + bread for breakfast. Not staying anywhere for long is going to do odd things to my diet. Walked down to the Hermitage, but it started raining. Absolutely pouring. It's raining again now, while I hide in the cathedral in the fortress of Peter + Paul. Have spent several hours walking around. There seems to be a thriving market in offering English language tours to small groups of 3 or 4. Also, a lot of soldiers about - some ceremony.


It's a complaint I've made before, that hostels are losing their warmth. Knockree has a TV room instead of a common room, here there are PCs in the common room, but a lot of people have laptops anyway. Conversations are sparse.

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