Wednesday 7 December 2011

Day 98 - Perth

I'm slowly warming to Perth. Despite the warden denying me porridge at 09.55 because the kitchen closes at 10.00, I was buoyed by a text from J seeing if I wanted to meet today. Went down to the art gallery after a breakfast of an apple. Coincidentally there was a tour of the indigenous art starting as I arrived. Great variety of styles - from works of pure abstract colour to political statements. Photographs of Aussie PMs superimposed with Aboriginal features, or paintings or desert wildlife, both native and introduced. Tour was an hour, took lunch outside where a screen was showing short films, then back inside for an hour in the modern galleries.

Met J then, who instantly offered me a JB & coke. He looks like a Home & Away extra, tanned with blond wavy hair. Affable and easy-going, I think my Irish accent throws him off sometimes. We fall into an easy rhythm, and head for King's Park, driving from scenic spot to scenic spot.

Swan Bell Tower
Head back to his and M's for some GoW, and he talks about his job at the coke plant. He drops me back to my hostel like a gent. I book the ferry to Rottnest for tomorrow, and head to the pub for the CS meetup. Can't find them in the pub at all. Sad face. Drink my pint while reading the paper.

Read for a bit in the hostel, get chatting to two Irish and a German. Realise how tough it must be here, looking for a job, trying to survive, scrounging. New found admiration and sympathy.

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