Sunday 25 September 2011

Day 25 - Beijing

We're wandering around the huge Pearl Market, a collection of stalls and traders, all hawking knock-off goods at sellout prices. Decided to leave before I spent any more money. Got a watch for 55RMB, two memory cards, two memory sticks and a gorillapod. Very tempted to buy prescription sunglasses too.


Spent this morning pottering around the Temple of Heaven, which is a vast garden, containing several imposing buildings. Some of the most impressive wooden structures that I've ever seen.

There was also the Alter of the Circular Mound (what it sounds like) with one round stone in the middle on top. There was a queue of people waiting to stand on it for a photo, but a big tour group arrived and started jumping on the stone. Pushing and shoving ensued, with a few raised voices. It was the first time that I've seen angry Chinese people.

Also had a random woman want a photo with me. Thought they were offering to take a picture of me, or wanted me to take one of them, but instead I was a zoo attraction.


Big night last night - last one of the official tour. We had a hotpot - a Chinese tradition, much like a fondue party. There are two halves to the pot - plain and spicy. Then you order small plates of meat and veg, and throw them in the pot to cook. We had beef, mutton, golden needle mushrooms, some sort of artificial seafood called haggis, and sheep pizzle. Yep, pizzle was on the menu. Sheep penis. Very tough meat, not pleasant to eat at all really, though most of the table got into the spirit of it, and tried at least some. Never has the word 'penis' been used so much at dinner.

Went back to the hotel for a quick drinking game - Pyramid, and then to the reggae bar again. There was some impromptu dancing - Scott and Ali were both impressive and entertaining!

Found a club afterwards, and danced for a couple of hours. Sadly I only recognised one or two of the songs, made me feel a little older than I am. Had fun dancing with the girls though, and Dom joined us for one.


Bit sad now, with the group breaking up. We seem to have already lost Team Swiss. Today is Regine's birthday, so hopefully they're celebrating somewhere.


Text from home - 62-12 in the Russian game. M emailed last night as well. Himself and S have broken up, and L's mam had a brain haemorrhage. Not sure what the prognosis is, but haven't managed to send a comfort text yet - network is not letting me.
So far on this trip I've had good news of a pregnancy and an engagement. Bad news has been L's mam, S's father, and M&S's break-up. Email/text is not a nice way to get bad news. Emphasises the isolation of being away from home.


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