Thursday 29 September 2011

Day 29 - Beijing

Sitting in the hostel bar, waiting for Dom and Kelly to return from the Bird's Nest stadium. Spent the last hour looking at our accommodation options. They're not great. Virtually nothing in Chengdu. I'm considering not even spending a night there. Just arrive at 5am, see the pandas, then leave in the afternoon for Kunming.

I'm filled with a sense of trepidation, apprehension. The first independent leg of our journey will not be smooth. I know we'll manage, but I'm still worried. Part of me misses the security of the organised tour, but the bigger part of me is bursting to push onwards to Vietnam.

I already miss the friends I've made, and wonder what sort of people I'll meet along the way from now on. Will they hold a candle to the VT group? No doubt a few will. At least I hope so.

And I'm already anticipating crossing paths with them again - SE Asia, Perth, AS, Sydney, NZ. And when I return home, there'll be plenty across the pond. Hollie will have returned from South America, though Kim will have uni. Not sure when Seb & Nicci return - June? And it may be years before Dom comes back.

Heh. My mind has returned to trying to organise and plan, to distract itself from the uncertainty of next week. I'm definitely out of my comfort zone! But that's what the Trip is all about, so bring it on!


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