Wednesday 23 November 2011

Day 84 - Vang Vieng

Second day of tubing (22nd) was even more fun than the first, and probably one of the most fun days I've had the active trip! Got a tuk-tuk with Jay, the four Danish guys, the two Danish girls, and Diana and Tori. Had to say goodbye to Nat that morning. Me and Søren tried tuk-tuk surfing on the roof, Was completely in the mood for partying when we got there - only wearing my togs and a pair of purple sunglasses. Kicked off with Beer Pong, me and Diana keeping our 100% win record. Then one of the reps organised musical tubes - 3rd place for me, not bad! Found Team Scotland, and Team Chile - the guys who'd helped me home the previous day. All in all, bloody excellent day! Only downside was the compact getting wet. The dry bag only does its job if I'm sober enough to remember to seal it. Swam to the last bar, and didn't close it fully. Blast. Good excuse to get a new one in Singapore though!




Team Chile

Back to Q-Bar, where I became Jay for a while - wearing sunglasses in the dark, random women taking my top off. Last I saw of realy Jay, he was going to smoke opium with some locals.

Bumped into Cyril from Vientiane outside. Was talking to Linda for a bit, some German dude kept grabbing her ass, so I subtly inserted myself between them. Left her with Cyril and Tim to look after her, and said goodnight. She gave me a huge gug. Not sure how I managed to leave such an impression on her, maybe she was just drunk. Was really thirsty myself - couldn't hydrate fast enough.


Up early for kayaking yesterday - felt a bit out of it, blamed the hangover. Down to the tour office with 2L of water. The surly sales girl neglected to tell me we got complimentary water, and a dry bag! Could've brought my camera - I have so few photos (any?) of VV, except tubing. Saw a cave shrine first - the Elephant Cave - then went tubing through some limestone caves. Water was bloody nippy. Managed to lose my room key at some point.

Didn't really talk to anyone, except a Melbourne couple. Teamed up with a Polish girl for kayaking - Golosha (sp?). Descended some fairly gentle rapids, stopped off at one of the very last tubing bars - but of course, I had no money. Passed by Team Scotland as we got into VV. I confined myself to bed for two hours then, knew a sinus infection was incoming. Very weak when I woke, and so unmotivated to do anything, including getting up to get medicine or food. Risk of a vicious circle.

Managed to drag myself out of bed, met Diana and the Danish girls for an Indian, and saw Elliot and Naomi from Hué. Even though it's the dry season, there was an almighty rain storm, and the temperature plummeted. Not good for my health. Said bye to the girls, and to the Danish lads. Back to bed then, very restless. Had to towel myself off at one point I was sweating so much. Couple of solpadine (where is my paracetamol?) before the 7 hour bus journey to Phonsavan. Hope to sleep all the way.

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